The Blindness
I’ve lived a life as a blind man
Blinded by sadness, pain, and sorrow
Blinded by the religion forced down my throat
Blinded by the choices made to numb, avoid, and ignore the roar
The Darkness
The darkness slowly eating my soul
The darkness slowly sucking the life
The darkness constantly raping my soul
The darkness consuming the music of my heart
I’ve lived blinded by the darkness
Blinded by pain
Blinded by eternal sadness
Then I saw
I saw, the Light
I saw, the Truth
I saw the Life
I experienced
I experience, Joy
I experienced, Peace
I experienced Beauty
I experienced Passion
I experienced true Love
I experienced real Truth
The Truth Overcame Me
Truth overcame me
Real Truth from the source of all Truth
The Truth that I am seen
The Truth that I am loved
The Truth that I am me, and I am good
The Truth that THE I am lives within me and all
The Truth that I can be nothing but good
Everlasting Truth
Truth has slowly burned the darkness away
White-hot Truth that left my wounds lanced forever
Truth that has left me scarred but vibrant
Truth that is tenacious in its pursuit of Joy and Peace
Truth that continues even when dark cloud of anxiety rises again
Truth that burns through the fear and shines the purest Light
I Now See
I see my scars, my story
I see our scars, community and individual
I see our scars together as one
I see our scars serving as a tapestry of Love
A Path
A new Path to follow in front of me
A Path that pushes me forward through the darkest of forests
A Path for others to follow as I search, and see, the Light and the Darkness
A new Path that understands the beauty and power within both Light and Darkness
A Path where I carry the torch of the Love, the Joy, the Peace, the Divine Way
I am now starting to see what was seen at the beginning… Love
Love… restores our sight
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