Blues, oranges, pinks
Flowing from the vast sky
Leaking their beauty
Into the reflection
All around
The universe
Wrapping its arms around
Colors morphing into being
Deciding to fully embrace
This illustrious feeling
Setting off
Towards the place
Where sky meets the earth
A magical scene
An enchanting moment
Where co-existing together
Is not a pipedream
Rather, a reality
Entangling in love
Choosing presence
Desiring nothing more
Wanting only
For the wearied soul
To experience
Peace and rest
Feeling what it means
To be seen and loved
Rejuvenating acceptance
Enrapturing delight
Soul vibrating elation
Awakening the
River within
Causing a gush
Of eternal movement
Readjusting the course
Of life
With the fresh
Waters guiding
The way
Into a new land
One aplenty
With purpose
And lung-filling sighs
The flowing
Of child-like emotions
As if exiting
From the womb
For the first time
Unexplored existence
Bubbling over
Cutting the cord
Into the way
Of the
Blues, oranges, pinks
Rick Ellsmore
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