Rasping words
Ringing clean
Through my
Small ear buds
The Beautiful is empty
Beautiful is free
Beautiful loves no one
Beautiful stripped me
Beautiful by Creed
Beautiful playing out
Every moment
Through every outlet
Beauty is sold
Used to
Catch an eye
Capture a soul
The desire
To consume
Playing out
One click
At a time
What is behind
The daily search
For beauty
Does beauty
Equal intimacy?
Or as Creed says
In your mind
She’s your companion
Vile instincts
Often candid
Your regret
Is all that’s left
Times in
My life
Experiencing this
Regret myself
Tasting of imitation
Allowing its poison
To numb my need
For true relationship
Allowing it
To serve
As a roadblock
Keeping me
From knowing
Deeper me
And another
Why do
We humans
Move towards
Cheapened beauty
Like a moth
Driven by light-lust?
Searching for
More of ourselves
Settling for
Empty-caloried Twinkies
When we can
Fully experience
Homemade chocolate cake?
Beautiful can
Be cheap
Beautiful is a
Free commodity
Something that
Requires nothing
Of ourselves
No having to
Give or share
Not having to
Stretch or grow
Not having to
Face the fear
That beads
Like sweat
After a hot
Summer run
The false allure
Drawing in
Both female and male
Intimacy is expensive
It requires investment
And time
Requiring us
To step out
From the comfortable
Into the uncomfortable
And unknown
Being willing
To face
Inner Demons
Large and small
Risking a piece
Of ourselves
With another
It’s time
Time to step
Time to expose
Our broken pieces
Allowing others
A glimpse in
Join me
In defying danger
Trusting another
With ourselves
Sharing our
Inner beauty

Rick Ellsmore
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