I felt the blade
Digging into
Exposed raw flesh
Dragging me towards
The edge
Not wanting these emotions
Their darkness present
My fear binding
Then the gush
Words, tears, snot
Flowing into the chasm
Felt within
A damn breaking
Allowing for
Small fresh breaths of air
Sharing with
A dear friend
No allowing shame
Or wanting fear
To reign on the throne
Entering yoga
My daily trip to Ceremony
Finding a welcoming
In the three present souls
Each unique and shining
Lights of kindness
Feeling and smelling of home
My spirit raging against
The breathing and stretching
Being offered to me
A gift wrapped in prickly paper
The movement slowly eroding
My hesitation and boundness
Like a mudslide
After a torrential rainstorm
My emotions starting
To cave and slide
Towards center
Back to my roots
Two yoga exercises
Bringing me closer
Drawing out
The binding poison
The first was
A song we sang
Using our fingers
Touching each one
The sensation
Mixing with the words
Wrapped within
The music
Causing an inner gush
Awakening my desire
Sa-Ta-Na-Ma echoing
Over and over
From my voice
From the collective
Of four participants
Sa… birth, beginning
Ta… Life, existence
Na… Death, transformation
Ma… rebirth, regeneration
(Taken from Yogapedia)
Awe flooding my system
Fusing fire and water
Into a shining experience
Reflecting the way home
The other
Was a stretching
“Figure Four” was what
It was called by Marnie
My thighs crying out
The longer holding
This specific pose
Not inching, sprinting towards
The knife’s edge
My body wanting to
Escape the boundary
At all costs
To bail out
Of the pain
Choosing a different way
The Spirit reminding me
Allow the edge to be
Choosing the pain
Moving towards
The edge collapsing
From being a blade
Becoming a cliff’s perch
Standing looking out
The sea and Her
Luxurious beauty
Inviting me to rest
The edge of pain
Still having a presence
No longer the center
A knowing that
I was meant for
This adventure
The adventure
Found at this edge
The Edge, The Spirit
The Fire, The All
Calling me
Wooing me

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