I was tiredDead tiredBut I neededA shotOf yogaThe classSmooth and toughThe classCalling usTo the edgeMy body reactingBy allowingIt to Be pushedFinishing upWe went Into our savasanaI felt somethingDeeper moving inNot needingTo do anythingBut allowTears slowly formingI found …
Archives for February 2021
The Pause
The PauseThat millisecondBetween knowing I will kiss youAnd actually Feeling your Lips on mineFluid motionA waitingSparkling in Your bright eyesBooming thunderMy heartPurple lighteningYour magicBefore the ConnectionHardwired intoUniversal DNA Connecting eternalRLove12.11.20 …
Jake’s Eye
It's exciting to see your adult child find their way. To see them becoming what they were intended to be. Sheer joy!! …