She said:
I love
Your words
I love feeling
And knowing
You through them
I’ve been searching
A lifetime
For words
For my words
I looked
Into nature
I looked
Under rocks
I looked
In streams
Trying to talk
Literally opening
My mouth
To have
The words
I thought
Were there
To not
Bubble to
The surface
Frustration and anger
Becoming companions
Tearing into myself
Knowing they
There somewhere
Not knowing how
To rip them out
I have found
My words
They come out
In writing
They are
Pouring out
Through a
Willing mouth
No longer
Having to
Rip and tear
Inviting them
To the surface
Willing to
Allow their
Healing vibrations
To change
Who I am
Where I
Am going
Having one
Special and unique
And many
Who take
My words in
Appreciating them
Encouraging more
Of me
To be discovered
One poem
At a time
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