My first book, “Dancing DNA: A Collection of Poems.”
This collection of poems was put together to read like a memoir, what I call my autobiographical poetry. Each poem is placed in chronological order over a six-year period and has a feel of being its own story. I believe we all have a common journey as we come to terms with our past and learn to live in the present. This is a reflection of finding courage to truly accept and love myself, and discovering that my true name is RLove. In fact, we are all love. It is hope, joy, pain, and fear that make up the foundation, calling us into beauty; it’s within this holy place that we are welcomed into the intimacy of love.
This is Dancing DNA.
Her sighs of delight | Dancing intertwining DNA
— From “Dressed in White”
Bringing forth | Childlike laughter | From us both
Celebrating the beauty | Of being found | Of being home
Home within | Home with another | Home safely cocooned