Strolling in
Mudrocks name
Rolling around
Promising myself
I would give
This a chance
Blind dates are hard
As if I was cold-calling
On someone’s door
The unknown
Of what’s on the
Other side
Causing edgy emotions
They were sitting
Three people
In a booth
Anticipating my entrance
Needing a fourth
To complete the set
From a distant
Eyes met
A sly smile
Charging electric current
Into my brain
This is the who
I’m here to meet?
A space was left
A dazzling lady
Sitting alone
Not too close
Not too far
Introductions going well
A surprising comfort
A fifth person
At the table
Liking my choice in beer
Her elegant tone
Peeking my interest
The evening
Like a blur
Was fabulous
Unique moments
All gathering
Tidbits of information
To make a decision
Her piercing eyes searching
Trying to explore
The inner me
Her intoxicating presence
Causing my system
To overheat
Her Boulder Beauty
Shining through
With more words
Her friend
My friend
Giddy with delight
A second date
A goodbye hug
The physical connection
Getting the Oxytocin pumping
The obvious
Drawing me in
Another step
Having to be taken
My first
First date
In 32 years
Rick Ellsmore
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