A Son’s PainSeeing someoneGo through Such painKnowing sheContinues herOnslaughtDriving forwardCausing painAnd miseryEvery wordActionDriving theDivisive swordDeeperCutting awayRelationshipMoving the needleCloser to emptyIn a relationshipThat was alreadyTeetering onRunningOut of gasMoving forwardNo …
Universal Glitter
My heartSending a virtualHUGKnowing the pathBrings painGenerational sorrowAn acheChurning fromDeep withinUnstoppable at timesEver-presentPeace to youDear creatureOf the earthPeace to youAs you searchThe vast seaClimb theTallest mountainWalk theCountless sandsPeace to youFinding youThe oneFormed …