Rick combines empathy, wisdom, and intuition with an uncanny ability to speak truth and challenge when necessary.
It’s really impossible to describe the impact that Rick has had on me. He’s the most genuine and present man that I know, and has served as a guide in my life for almost 10 years now. Rick combines empathy, wisdom, and intuition with an uncanny ability to speak truth and challenge when necessary. All of this comes from a space of humility and a real desire to see people engage more deeply in this life now and all it has to offer. I really do believe that Rick has been the most influential person in my life in terms of modeling what it means to actively engage the self, the divine, and those around us in an authentic way that’s rooted in radical self-acceptance.
He allows me to process where I am at and where I wanna be without forcing himself on me…
Rick Ellsmore has been an amazing friend and guidance coach to me since 2012. Honestly in times of great need he always asked and just been there to listen. He allows me to process where I am at and where I wanna be without forcing himself on me, with slight suggestions later if he runs into a solution to what I might be facing at that current moment. He’s always thinking about others before himself. The heart he has to make an impact in others life’s by just being an ear can and has gone a very far way. I am thankful for him always.
He didn’t turn away from me in my shame or discomfort of my difficult story, but instead he embraced my murkiness.
I met Rick 10 years ago and this was the moment I knew what it was meant to be truly seen and loved for who I am. In the early years of me knowing him, he walked with me through the most strenuous predicaments of my healing journey. These came from a background of difficult Christian ideology, family trauma, sexual abuse, and self-contempt/overwhelming shame. Rick had the capacity to sit with me and listen with an open-embracing spirit and heart. He didn’t turn away from me in my shame or discomfort of my difficult story, but instead he embraced my murkiness. These were the most closed off parts of me I was too ashamed to show anyone else. He saw me for who I was and loved me for being me. Rick continues to prove throughout the more recent years that his presence is safe and secure for me to find refuge and belonging. My relationship with him is both healing and transformative. I can confidently say that today I understand what it means to be loved with no small part because of Rick.
Rick’s extensive experience guiding and supporting men, his own journey of transformation and healing, and his keen intellect make him an effective intimacy guide.
Rick is a rare gem and I am so grateful to know him. He is one of the kindest, most empathetic men I have ever encountered. Rick’s extensive experience guiding and supporting men, his own journey of transformation and healing, and his keen intellect make him an effective intimacy guide. Rick is dedicated to those he serves and a delight to be around!