You pop the top
The bubbling sounds
Tickle your ears
The anticipation
Causing your mouth
To salivate
Just the thought
The upcoming sugar
Sending great vibrations
To your needy brain
Before you know it
It’s in your hand
And is gulping down the hatch
The taste feels good
Down the throat
But wait
What is this shit?
The aftertaste
Leaving your mouth stale
How did this happen?
Oh, the insanity
Have you ever experienced
Buyer’s remorse?
You think
You are getting the real deal
Mexico cane sugar real
But wait
There is more
Does there have to be more?
Desiring the satisfaction
Of healthy love
That euphoria that comes
With a long ahhh from your soul
A purr from your lips
Knowing you have been seen
Knowing you have seen
Experiencing joy
And titillation
Walking in rare air
That comes with
Intimate connection
Rick Ellsmore
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