An elusive word
Conjuring up emotions
Filling minds
Smells. Sounds. Sights.
From times gone by
Longing for more
Or whatever
This illustrious word
Really means
Witnessing so many
Struggle with the reality
They’ve never fully
Experienced a place
To fully let down
One filling with
Hope and kindness
Drawing out the
Poisonous venom within
Sorrow and loneliness
Unable to
Allow peace and joy
To settle in
Becoming the air breathed
Emotions flooding
Writing this word
Pushing over the
Top of my dam
Learning to allow
Them to have
Their way
No longer
Fiercely holding
The water’s surge
From having
It’s way
As a child
Home was no where
To be found
House after house
School after school
Temporary toys
Temporary shit
Never settling
Long enough
To experience
The warmth
Of home
Of community
Of family
Colorado has become
A place I called
But never quite home
That small piece
Never letting go
Within my anxious
Unsettling system
In 2019
Finding a place
Specifically, alive
The fruit of
An arduous journey
Finally ripening
Experiencing a temple
Mystical and romantic
Found within
Going wherever
I go
Peacefully settling
In me
Enjoying the juice
Of home
As it runs down
A smiling
Happy mouth
Choosing to
Let it drip
Upon a
Graying hairy chin
Rick Ellsmore
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