There was a desert wind
Blowing that night
It arrived quite suddenly
Moving in from east to west
Dry and bitter
Jumping on me
From the core
Of the mountain itself
Pelting exposed skin
Violently transforming
My budding expectations
For the evening ahead
This moment
The very spot I stood
Would be one
Never forgotten
The night
She decided to leave
The day
Starting like
All the others
Radiant and blue
Welcoming me
With a bird’s tune
And a bee’s hum
The Mother
Throwing open
Her loving arms
With every step
Of my Solomon
Hiking shoes
Like the brewing storm
Her energy shifted
The darkness
Showing up
Around her eyes
Squinting as she
Cut the vegetables
Standing next to me
Energy swirling within
Creeping its way down
Into her
Fervent lips
Seeing them
Starting to crouch together
Moving around
Like a rabbit
Ready to bolt
Into the awaiting brush
Seeping downward
Into her throat
I could envision
The boiling lava
Beating through
Her unleashing heart
In a zap
She was on me
Words firing out
Machine-gun style
Pelting me
Every angle
Jabbing at
Uncovered emotions
My face turning
Significantly violet red
From the adjectives
Hurled into
The surrounding space
Between our bodies
This was the
Exact moment
I knew
I loved this woman
Her honesty
Her truth
Her fire
Burning me
Like never before
Enflaming my
Forest of desire
She left that night
The night of
The desert wind
Leaving with the
Slam of the front door
And a middle finger
Shooting up
Towards the heavens
Her venom
Spewing words
I could no longer
Even understand
As the driveway dirt
Lost itself
In the bitter wind
I smiled
Deep joy
Flooding my spirit
Understanding so deeply
She would return
Unable to escape
The fiery passions
So clearly stoked
Within our love
And in returning
We would reunite
Unlike any
Time before
Rick Ellsmore
Written with my writing Group. I chose the prompt from Raymond Chandler—the first two lines of this poem!
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