When’s the last time
You cried so fucking hard
You laughed?
Let me try that again
When’s the last time
You laughed so fucking hard
You cried?
I’m learning
understanding these
Intersections of emotions
Can help unlock where we are
Where we want to be
Are we known?
Are we passive?
Are we hiding?
Are we living in joy?
Are we allowing others
To impact us?
Are we listening?
Ultimately, are we
Listening to ourselves?
Are we allowing
Enough space to enter in
So that we can handle
The criss-crossing of
Pain and joy
Love and hate
Laughter and tears
I believe this intersection
Is where tasting
The richness of life
Is pleasantly found
It’s what anchors us
To go out and step into
Often, such an ugly, unkind world
One that seems to tear us down
Rather than building us up
These puzzle pieces
Serving as the foundation
The border around
Our lives
Are needed to
Really understand things
They rubber band us
Back to a place
Of soliditity
One where we are breathing
Sleeping soundly
Eating healthy foods
Feeling good about ourselves
And finding our place
In this world
Looking in the mirror
And saying,
I am okay
I am me
And I love
Come on
Let’s do it!
Rick Ellsmore
Early AM
F/ Golden, CO Trail
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