Puzzle pieces
Fitting together
In unimaginable ways
Have you seen it?
Felt it?
Witnessed firsthand
Something that
Can’t be denied?

Our ancient guardians
Rugged and pure
Erect magical beings
Habitating our space
Our home
Our earth
Giants among humanity
Growing from
Tiny seeds
Into gigantic warriors
Enchanted beans
Universally spread
Offering freshness
And shade
I’m a self-proclaiming
A tree lover
Hugging, appreciating
Their everlasting beauty
A unique occurrence
Has taken place
An admiring of
Old wood
Fallen warriors
On the battlefield
Within our forests
Touching, appreciating
Their gift
For me
For all
Of us
Take a moment
Hug a tree
Grow in
Your appreciation
For Mother Nature
And the
Alluring dance
Taking place
Every day
Drawing our attention
Back towards
From hence
We came

Rick Ellsmore
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