I’m pondering
It’s been in
My vocabulary
My psyche
Living in
It’s persuasiveness
Google says
Broken means
Smashed, shattered, burst, fragmented,
splintered, crushed, snapped, rent, torn,
ruptured, separated, severed,
in bits, in pieces
defeated, beaten, vanquished,
overpowered, overwhelmed, subdued,
dispirited, discouraged, dejected,
crushed, humbled, dishonored,
ruined, crippled
Now there’s an
Avenger’s lineup
Of words
To get excited about
Google also states,
When a person’s spirit is broken,
They often feel they aren’t deserving of joy,
Or they may have even totally lost
All hope or desire for happiness;
It’s a feeling of total emotional defeat.
Do you feel
The weightiness
Of this word?
A finality
Sealing the coffin
For a lifetime
Fastened tight
From joy’s sunshine
Making the need
For the beaten
To be restored
A must
I recently
Spit out
The words
I believe I’m broken
And will never be whole
Sharing this moment
With another
Forcing me to confront
The evil lurking
Behind them
I’m realizing
A lifetime
Of shame
Embracing the concept
That I am broken
Or even could
Be broken
Taking its toll
Or often
Religious people
Perpetrating a lie
Once built upon
The notion
We are broken
And in need of
Starting over
No longer
Rather experiencing
I’m not broken
Have experienced
I will continue
To be a human
Experiencing fragmenting
As what it is
An opportunity
Forming into
Something beautiful
From what already
Lives from within

Rick Ellsmore
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