She isAncient magicCalled forthFrom the UniverseShe isCosmic loveSpreading star seedsWith present loveShe isFluid funFlowing freelyInto the dayShe isShining kindnessHijacking current LoveShe has beenHurled into motionReuniting withMy flourishing loveRLove11.22.19 …
Locked in Love
This was taken December of 2018 in Little Rock, AR. I was with my good friend John Kriz as we walked around the downtown area. These locks stuck out to me because it was an entire family! …
Colored Bricks
Andrew groggily rolled out of bed and went right for the New York Times on his front porch. He knew the daily delivery was a frivolous expense, but one it seemed impossible to live without. The whoosh of the cool morning spontaneously overcame his senses as the wooden front door was popped open. As …