I softly spokeTo the Italian starsAbout youThey whispered backWe knowShe's OursI raised my voiceYelling atThe topOf my lungsShe isThe oneThe one I loveMy FreeThe MoonMighty SheSmiled backAnd breathedInto meI knowShe's of MeAs you areRLove10.5.20F/ItalyPS. I wrote this after getting back in from a …
Bacon and Burt
Bacon is the way and the truth. Burt saw this quote on the large magnet sitting upon the 7-Eleven counter. Now Burt wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knew something was missing. He cocked his large head to the right and dipped into his thinking brain to ponder exactly what that was. I got …
Bermuda Triangle
She wasMy Bermuda TriangleFrom the momentWe first metHer wild vortexSucking me inCompass spinningOut of controlMysterious circumstancesMagnetic anomaliesWhich broughtUs togetherAware of her wildMagical energyEnveloping meEuphoric loveDesiring to knowTo breathe inTo be withinExperiencing lifeWith …