A long time ago
The Great Spirit was
Was there
Was everything
Within everything
Knew that humanity
Could not understand
What was, was
A decision was made
To split into two
Yin and yang
Masculine, feminine
Light and Dark
Sun and Moon
One not better
Than the other
Equally magnificent
Equally alive
Equally reflecting
The Spirits essence

The feminine
Hurled high
Into the sky
Discovered in
The moon’s
Dark ray
Magically placed
Within this earth
Called Mother Nature
Sent us alive, growing
Green, purple, yellow
Gold and red
Maroon, blue and pink
Colors reflecting
Passion, in compassion,
The desire to embrace
A desire to be
Connected intimately
Inviting humanity
To enter into Her
To be swallowed by Her
To be found within
Her bosom

Great Spirit
Hurled in the sky
The sun
Masculine and strong
Vibrant and alive
Guiding throughout
The lighted day
Being willing
Forging ahead
Day after day
As the light
The measure
North and south
East and west
Strong and vibrant
Intense, at times
Reliable and safe
Trusting, protective
The heavens
Hurled into place
So that when looking up
A great Spirit could be seen
The essence of that Spirit
In every star
Every solar system
All of it
It’s all there
To fully embrace
It’s all there
To fully accept
If we see it
We have no choice
But to live it
I believe it
I can feel it
Embracing it
As Truth

Rick Ellsmore
White Ranch
Golden, CO
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